Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's been a while....

Hi yall! Sorry I haven't been on lately and Happy, belated, Valentine's Day!! I hope everyone had a great day! On Valentine's I went to an 80's Party at my church, maybe I'll post a few pics.... And I went with some friends to see Dear John! Such a good movie! Go see it if you haven't yet. Real quick I'll post the facts I missed.- 13. Some artificial hearts are made from recycled flat tires. weird. 14. In adults, the heart is about the size of two fists. In children, the heart is one fist size. 15. The street lamps in Hershey, PA are shaped like Hershey's Kisses.
I know the last fact wasn't about hearts but I stumbled upon it while looking for facts and, if you don't already know this, I LOVE Hershey's chocolate so I couldn't pass it up. :)
Well, I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out this Thursday and I'm not looking forward to it. I'll blog for sure while I'm still a little "sleepy" from the meds, just to humor a few people. haha :) I hope everyone has a good night. Oh, and don't be confused but there's no new episode of N.C.I.S (s) tonight. There is, however, a new episode of 19 Kids and Counting so don't miss it on TLC at 8pm Central! Talk to yall later!

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