Monday, October 4, 2010

pray! pray! pray!

Last night I was writing in my journal, that is most like a prayer journal than anything, and I wrote a prayer for a specific person that I really felt god lay on my heart yesterday mornin during church. It's kinda really neat how God can make you feel burdened for someone. I have no idea why I feel this way for this person but until God makes himself clear, I've decided to pray for him continually everyday. What I asked God in my journal was that he would completely transform this person's life and that he would get all the glory for it. And then what verse did God show not two seconds after that?!?!?!?!?

John 15:7-8-- If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.

He basically said, remain in me and I'll give you what you wish and I'll get the glory for it.
Did I not JUST ask that????
How amazing! I know I'm praying for this person for a reason and I know that through me praying for him, God will start a work in him, and will most certainly carry on whatever that work is till the day of completion.
The only hard thing is, I don't know very much about this fella. So, I just let God tell me what to pray.
 Well, we'll talk about other things now....

This morning I went flip-flops because of that stinky blister on my foot that refuses to heal abnormally fast. :(
And I'm still waiting (impatiently might I add) for the guy to email me back about publishing my story!!! If it doesn't get published, that's fine. It's this waiting game that makes me go crazy!! ;)
Well, I hope y'all all have a good day. Stay warm!

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