Wednesday, August 1, 2012

georgia on my mind

hello, dear ones!

happy wednesday. happy august. happy almost-back-to-school. happy.......just happy.

just thought i'd share a few quick thoughts:

-in my preschool class today, there was a 5 year old who was homeschooled. i just wanted to tell you all that he was the only one who could write his AND Jesus' name. all by himself.
homeschoolers rock.

-i'm reading When God Writes Your Love Story, which was recommended to me by several friends. it only took 2 days for amazon to get it to my house, and i've been reading it ever since! good stuff. good enough for its own post.....

-i'm thinking i need to start working out because i think i'd be a lot less tired and have more energy, but i'm too tired in the mornings and don't have time in the afternoons. solutions? im just a wimp. thank goodness my metabolism's high right now.

-i didn't lie, georgia really is on my mind. i've been exploring and researching different missions opportunities for after highschool and before college. i'm thinking about taking a year in between both to do some inner-city ministry work. a friend of mine suggested i check out 7 Bridges to Recovery in atlanta. i'm praying about lots of different stuff where after-highschool is concerned...

final thought:

i feel like i'm in a time of waiting. but, is that really anything new? i think we're pretty much always waiting on something, maybe because we're never totally satisfied and we know something better (or worse) is just around the corner. maybe we'll never stop waiting- that is until Jesus comes back and we truly have all we need.
today's My Utmost for His Highest spoke on this, and i really liked it:

He works where He sends us to wait. “. . . tarry . . . until . . .”
“Wait on the Lord” and He will work. But don’t wait sulking spiritually and feeling sorry for yourself, just because you can’t see one inch in front of you! Are we detached enough from our own spiritual fits of emotion to “wait patiently for Him”? Waiting is not sitting with folded hands doing nothing, but it is learning to do what we are told.
These are some of the facets of His ways that we rarely recognize.

And what is it, loves, that we've been told?

Love the Lord with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, and all your strength.
Love others just as much as you love yourself.

do that while you wait, while you pray, seek, and fast.

wait in utmost purity and righteousness. live with a constant mindset that jesus sees and knows everything. check yourself. how often are you grieving him? are you full of integrity, character? is jesus everything to you, really?

if we say we love God, we will honor Him. one way to see if you're truly honoring Him is to check your priorities.

If you truly honor something/someone, it will always come first.
now, you can take that literally or not. personally, i never have-- till now.
i've never been one to get up and read my bible in the mornings, or even really pray before i start my day. i've never really thought it made a difference if i gave my tithe at the end or beginning of the month.
but i'm realizing now that it does, for me. maybe this is a place God is bringing me, personally, spiritually,  but i've been convicted in this area.
God's Word should mean more to me than checking my email or facebook right when i wake up in the morning.
should thank God for waking me up every morning and having a specific plan for that day already mapped out before i think about what i have planned.
i should tithe at the beginning of the month because God asks for my first-fruits, my very best. I know that my very best is not waiting till the end of the month, counting up how much i "owe" God late on a saturday night.
if Jesus is everything to me, how can i not put Him first?! Why wouldn't i want to?!

may i also add that i hope i'm never as in love with anyone on earth as i am with Jesus? my heart's overwhelmed right now.
my cup runneth over.

i hope your wednesday's been sweet.
have an even sweeter thursday, dears.
i love you all!

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