Wednesday, July 21, 2010

hello, you.

:) I hope you all have a had a good past couple of days since we last spoke.

I have.

It's been pretty much the same around here and I wish I could say something exciting has happened, but I can't.

I've only been babysitting. And I will continue babysitting till the end of the week. And then after that, I will only have 1 more week of babysitting before school starts!

Now, I have said this before, and I will say it again. I don't dislike babysitting, but it is tiring. Especially when you do it from 8- 4:30/5:30 everyday of the week. I now understand the meaning of TGIF.

thank goodness for fridays.

and I will most certainly enjoy mine! :0 Have a great rest-of-the-week everyone! :)

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