Friday, November 19, 2010


that's the only thing that i can think of that could make this day bad. because I have to do loooots of it. i'm not behind. actually, i'm ahead, and im trying to get more ahead so i can be done for Christmas break in a week or so.

i was reading my Bible last night (what a good read!) and I just started flipping and flipping. pretty much reading a page at a time in whatever book I landed in. At one point I landed in 1 Timothy. One of my favorites. and I came across this verse:

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses. 1 Tim. 6:12 (italicized: mine)

I really like how it says good fight. it is such a good fight! want to know why?? Because our fight isn't against people. it's not against the people we really don't like or the people who are rude in walmart. ;) our fight is against satan. and we are on the winning side, which means he always loses! Can you think of a better fight to fight than the one you know you will win?!?!? I cant, because there is none!
take that with you today, when you begin to lash out at people just because your coffee burned and your favorite shirt didn't get washed the night before. they're not to blame. take your anger out on the devil. condemn him in Jesus' name! (that's fun to do.) ;)

so, anyway..... :)

have a great friday! I can't wait for the weekend!

and a how-to for drying hydrangeas, because who wouldn't want to after looking  at these?? :)

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