Saturday, March 5, 2011


im so sorry i haven't posted in a while! it's been busy around here and i really haven't had the time or the energy to blog.
blogging takes energy??

yeah right.

anywho! its the weekend! :)
so far, this weekend, i've:


we went to co-op where we  (thankfully) did NOT have to dissect the frog! whoo-hoo! :)
also at co-op, I was asked by my super-duper guy-best-friend, Tayler, to go to formal with him! I said yes, of course. ;)

then, we cleaned monica's. sorry, no picture. it really wasn't that interesting.

but then we went out for dinner with a couple of friends for THAI food!
 yes! Thai!!
it was really good, actually.

we were SO surprised that she liked the soup, which most of us didn't like! :)

after dinner, me, mommy, and kenna went to the Bama Theater to the The ACT's production of Children of Eden! It was so great!!

and then after that, we went home to sleep. :)


this morning, me, kenna, mommy, and jordyn went to a sale our mall was having on pre-owned prom dresses! :)
I got a cock-tail dress for $10! it's not for formal, but hey. it was $10!

and, of course, jordyn had a clumsy moment while we were out. she literally ran into this pole.
she wasn't texting. wasn't talking.
just walking.

and then we went to the Bama basketball game! They won! yay! :)

and i love this guy's stripes. just love it!

so this has been my weekend so far!
how has yours been??

I hope you're having a great Saturday!
I love you all!

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