Thursday, April 21, 2011


hello :)

I feel so accomplished today! I did a LOT of school, I got Watch's drawing and picture scanned into the computer (like I've been meaning to for a while now!), and I got some things on my 101 list done!
Here are the things I got done:

10- make mason jar lamps (i did mine with string lights!)
26- take a ballroom dancing class (i did this at co-op!)
28- witness to someone through my blog (i think i've done that, seeing as how i cant stop talking about jesus!)
46- go barefoot for a day (i did this AND took a picture! but, it's on someone else's camera :( you'll just have to believe that i got some crazy looks in win-dixie!)
56- be a vegetarian for a week (i did this! whoo-hoo!)
100- take my family out to dinner and pay for it (i took a picture, and i'll upload it soon!)

it's a little grainy, but we had fun! :)

so there, I've been busy :)
And, I got a letter from Watch a few days ago! Go here to see the latest news + a drawing he made for us! :)

I hope you all are having a great Thursday!
I love you all!
Stay dry ;)

p.s.-- our game today got cancelled. :(


Anonymous said...

You're gonna have your 101 completed before long. Haha. Guess who this is.... :)

Shelby Grace said...

hhhhhhmmmmmmm, Tyler?? :)
or anthony.