Tuesday, June 5, 2012

just life with jesus

hello, dear ones. happy tuesday!

im sorry its been soso long since i've written. i've been busy and just haven't felt like my life was inspiring enough to write about. and it probably still isn't.
but, i thought id write anyway. :)

-since we last spoke, my family and I finally joined a church, membership and everything! back in december/january we left where we had been going for about 4 years, feeling like God just had someplace different he wanted us to go. the 6 months it took to finally find where he wanted us was not fun. at all. i hate "church shopping".
thankfully though, that's over! we're now a part of the Body at Church of the Highlands! I'm plugged into the student ministry, and have gotten involved in helping with nursery!

it feels nice to be a part of something again, because for a little while, i was beginning to feel totally purposeless and like i was just floating through life. i didn't know what God wanted me to do and i was so afraid i would end up doing the wrong thing.
but God kept reminding me that even when i dont see or hear Him, i need to know and believe that He's there and He's not just going to leave me hanging.
If my heart is truly wanting to please Him, He's not just going hide His plan from me.
And even though I still don't know every detail that He has planned in my life, I've been blessed with more hope for my future (and present) just by joining this church. There's a reason Jesus said it was so important to have relationships and fellowship with people, dear loves.

-school is over! i'm a senior! now i'm just studying to take the ACT again.....this Saturday, in fact. Prayers are appreciated.

-Today was Day 2 of the VBS I'm working at this week! We've learned that "no matter who you are" and "no matter how you feel" you can trust in God! How true those Bible points are.

-and I've been letting this passage pour over me. It's so powerful! It's life-giving!

Have you never heard?
Have you never understood?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of his understanding.
He gives power to the weak
and strength to the powerless.
Isaiah 40:28-29

And here's some happy news:
The hip surgery that my mom needs to fix her hip, that insurance has been denying for several months now and we have been praying fervently for (to say the least), has been APPROVED. For those of you who know my family and I personally, you know the pain that my mother is in every day, with little, if any, relief. This is an amazing miracle of the The Most High God!

If anything, maybe this post was inspiring because of just how "not-crazy-exciting" my life is right now.
I'm having fun, growing closer with the Lord, falling more in love with Jesus, getting closer to my family, and enjoying life, yes. But is my life front-page news worthy? It doesn't feel like it.
Maybe your life is the same way. Well guess what?
Ordinary is ok. Imperfect is ok. Non-flashy is ok. Contentment is very ok.

You are Jesus' child, no matter how infamous, unpopular, and unused you feel.
And God uses you just as much as the people who are!

So start looking for God in your everyday. He's always working, always present, so I can promise you, with my faith and credibility resting totally on Jesus, that you will find Him.

have a happy week, my friends!
i love you all!

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