Friday, September 7, 2012


dear ones, happy thursday!

have i ever told you a funny fact about my thursdays?
well, here you go:

my thursdays NEVER fail to be my busiest day of the week. In fact, i never plan anything ahead of time for thursdays because i know it'll be so busy.
how then, if i dont plan anything on thursdays, do they become so very busy, you ask?

all i know is i was up at 6:20am, and didn't stop till 8 tonight. my day was filled with children's laughter, book-studying, house-cleaning, and LOTS of car-driving. i wouldnt be surprised if i spent the majority of my time in the car today....
but, as this song and verse remind me:
"today the sun is shinin' on me,
 sitting with my feet in the breeze,
 ain't sweatin' the little things.
and who knows what tomorrow is gonna bring,
but today the sun is shinin' on me."

"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
matt. 6:27, 3-34

today was a good day. i was given everything i needed, plus blessings, big and small, that i dont even slightly deserve. the Lord is good. a really good Father.

but as my day ended, and i was driving home, i had this sudden urge to become anonymous.
i wanted to go somewhere and be unknown, remain that way for a little while, and just watch. i wished for no one to know my name, my story, my present circumstances.
i wanted to be mindless for a little while, forget about my life, my problems, my responsibilities....even the good things in my life. i just wanted to shut my mind off.
i was also craving mexican food. so, i thought about going all by my lonesome, eating the whole pot of salsa, and watching mexican food too?
then i realized it was kind silly, and that i had dinner waiting at home, and decided to just go home.
i kinda wish i would have gone to los tarascos afterall.....

my point?
i have none, and i have no idea why that was my thinking this evening.

i DO know that tomorrows friday, and sunday is coming!
this gives me the "umf" i need to get through tomorrow least until naptime. :)

goodnight, my loves!
go to bed; dream of sweet, godly things; be blessed; be encouraged.
i'm praying for you all.

We prove ourselves by our purity, our understanding, our patience, our kindness, by the Holy Spirit within us, and by our sincere love.
2 cor. 6:6

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