Monday, August 9, 2010

Last day....

today is the last day of summer. :( I'm sad and yet kinda ready for school to start. :/ Weird....

I was inspired yesterday by a senior in our youth group. She and her boyfriend have been dating for 3 years, and they are two very strong Christians. They have managed to not cross any lines and I respect them for that! But he (the boyfriend) felt that God wanted them to "fast" from each other for a while to get their focus back on God. Now, I don't think their focus was not on God but, the way she explained it was, "We were becoming comfortable with our life, and I was becoming a hermit." She was becoming OK with her life not being focused completely on the Lord. It's hard to explain, and I know I am probably not saying it exactly like she did, so I hope all of this makes sense. But, I say this to say, when she told us this, she also said that being "single"made her have much more time to be focused on God because she wasn't focused on her boyfriend. Not only that, the more she was focused on God, the less she was focused on not "crossing the line" with him. I really liked that! So, I was inspired to take advantage of this time when I'm single. Even when I am dating age, I hope to take this attitude with me. And attitude of being completely focused on God, Him truly being the center of my life and the root of everything I do! Of course my boyfriend will have to do likewise... ;)

Ok, so I hope this made sense. haha! Have a great day everyone! :)

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