Saturday, March 26, 2011

Before & After: wall chair! (the DIY)

hello lovelies! :)
so, last night was the unveiling of my plant-wall chair.
well, now i would like to give you the DIY for that chair, just in case you find an old chair on the side of the road like i know.

What You Need: (anything italicized is something i already had)

an old chair
2 kinds of paint
a drill
an ivy plant (or any plant you like)
painters tape
braces (to hold the chair together once you saw it in half....didn't see that coming did ya?!?!)
glue (or paint)

What to Do:

1. get an old chair. mine came from the yard of a neighbor down the street! i plan to write a letter to him/her and thank him/her for the wonderful (free) chair. :)

2. Take off that yucky seat cover! yuck!
go ahead and take off the seat while you're at it too, you won't need/want it. :)

3. Wipe your chair clean! Then paint with the primary color. Mine was an of-whitey color that I had left-over from painting the shelves and head-board in my room.

4. Once the chair is dry ALL THE WAY, tape the stripes you want on your chair and paint the other color for your stripes.

5. While you wait for that paint to dry, go ahead and mark where you will be sawing your chair in two pieces. yes, two pieces, so you can shorten the length of the seat of the chair!

Don't ask me why, but the stripes took a while to dry. and while they dried, I got reeeaaally excited about my chair!


6. Finally! The paint has dried! :) now, saw your chair.

7. in step seven, a lot of confusing things happened to my chair, including it being dismantled!! :(
but, thankfully, daddy put it all back together and made it beautiful. :)

but, in the end, it will turn out like this. and you'll love it! i promise. :)

PLEASE, someone at least try this! and put your own little spin on it! :)

oh, and by the way. this transformation only cost me ten bucks. yep.

I love you all!
Happy Saturday!

p.s.-- we had a crawfish boil with some of our friends today! pics to come tomorrow!

linking up with the following on this one:

1 comment:

Debbiedoos said...

Cute chair planter. Thanks for finding my newbie party and joining. I realize you are new so I will give you a few tips. First always add the party link to your post so that others know you are joining the party. Also, I would add your following way up closer to the top, I had a hard time finding it. I signed on as a new friend and hope you do the same. Also you should shut off Word verification, you lose comments as people get frustrated.