Monday, April 11, 2011

why do I write to you?

Like I said earlier today, I've been reading a lot of Romans lately, and I'm even doing a study on it! Tonight I read Romans 1:8-17. Through reading it, I realized Paul and I are a lot alike, I think.
For example, when God got a hold of Paul, and revealed himself to him, he REALLY got Paul's attention. That's how it was for me too when I really got serious about loving and serving God. And Paul likes to write letters. And you know how much I like to write my compassion child, and how I've always wanted a pen-pal. :) Also, in these verses, I see how much Paul loved the Roman church he was speaking with, even though he had never met them. No matter that they had never spoken face-to-face! Paul "had an eagerness to connect at a deep level with the Roman church." That pretty much sums up why I blog. :) I want to share with you people- people I've never met, and, unlike Paul, maybe never will- all the things God is teaching me and how much he loves us. I have a desire to talk with you and show you God working in my life, for His sake. I feel this way because, yes, I have been commanded to share the love of Christ, but also- again, like Paul- because it brings me joy and happiness! I get so excited when I read my Bible and something really stands out to me, because I know I can just pop open my laptop and tell you all about it! :)
Something that God is showing me in Romans 1:8-17, other than the likenesses of Paul and I, is how important the community of believers is. I've never really felt like I needed that. I never really knew how important outside encouragement was....until I actually got it! I have come out of my 'shell' more and more lately, and what I've found are friendships and the value of people who build you up, as opposed to people who tear you down. (or just people you don't know because you're too shy to talk to them!!) That's what I hope to accomplish through this blog! A community of believers who build each other up and bring others to the Love of Christ!

So, whatever you're reading right now in Scripture, open up your heart to whatever God may want to be telling you.
And even if you don't feel him speaking, know that he is:

So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. Romans 10:17

I love you all!
Happy Monday!

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