Thursday, September 1, 2011

hello from Watch!

hola, mis amigos! buenas noches :)
i hope you all have had a good jeuves (thursday). mine's been good....eventful....but good. :)

i got a letter from Watch the other day! I'm just now getting to tell you all about it, but better late than never...right??
May 20th was his 11th birthday, so he talks about that in his letter. He says his father got him a shirt, shoes (a good pair), and a towel. He's in a new grade now (!) and he enjoys his new studies and friends. On Easter, he got to help out by being the one to hide Easter eggs and tell the meaning of Easter! :)

You may not be able to see it well, but here's another picture he drew:

It's a race car with flames on the side (he's such a boy!) and big mufflers. :) The big symbols at the bottom are the letters of his name! and the moon and some stars are drawn at the top.

And God's been being faithful (of course) in showing me how to live as He would, just like I asked him to. (WWJD)
And he used my mom today to reveal to me an important truth about being generous to people, treating them as if they were Jesus- treating them like Jesus would:
When Jesus fed the five thousand men, and additional women and children, he didn't ask them if they were truly hungry or just a little bit hungry. He didn't ask them whether or not they had jobs, a steady income, or were truly needy. No, the Savior fed them because they were hungry. That's it. That's all.

Living like that can be hard; it can make us uncomfortable with our rule-bound and legalistic view on life. But I think it's a good thing. I think radical love is a very good thing.

I don't know how your life is going right now. But if it's anything like mine, you're overwhelmed and out of your mind with busyness. I'd like to say that I've been praying for you, but It's been all I can do to even remember what I read in my Bible last night. (my head is filled with Chem. formulas, right triangles, and Spanish phrases)
No matter what, remember that this life is NOT all there is! There's more to gain than just earthly prestige and material comforts. Everything has a say in how you spend eternity.
Concern yourself with living like Jesus would, loving like Jesus would, doing what Jesus did.
Remember that your life is not out of control.

It's God-controlled chaos, yes. But God-controlled.

I love you all so much! I will do my best to remember to pray for you, fellow Jesus-lovers. I'm so happy to call you all brothers and sisters! (and I can't wait to meet some of you!)

¡Duerme bien!
sleep well!
i love you all!

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