Tuesday, October 25, 2011

good things are happening

hello dear loves. it's so nice to write to you all, finally!

i have a good bit on my mind and heart, so this post will be a "shmorgischborg" of my thought processes and prayer life.
but let me assure you- good things are happening!
let's go:

-some of you may know already, but my mom had surgery yesterday on her hip. She had a labral tear and another tear on a ligament in her left hip joint that was causing her tremendous pain. So, by the grace of God (seriously) the insurance approved the surgery and she is finally in the process of healing!
Praise God!!
Also, my mom's birthday was last Wednesday, and we celebrated her wonderful life :)

- I'd like to take a minute and say how much I love my daddy!! He is absolutely amazing. He was so great with mom yesterday. He was gentle and patient with her after the surgery, yet, he also knew when to be somewhat forceful when it was for her good. I've seen him live out great character and a humble heart.
He is one of the biggest standards I have for the man I'll one day marry.

-A friend of mine is in a bit of trouble. I've been so burdened for him and his family for a while now. My mind is almost fully consumed with praying for him all day. But I have faith in THE God of heaven and earth that no miracle is too big for Him. No one is ever too far gone.

- I have absolutely no motivation for school work. Please pray for me.

Thank you for letting me empty my mind on here. :)
I hope you all had a great weekend/beginning-of-the-week.

I also want to just say that I am filled with great hope.
Hope for my friend.
Hope for my mom's healing.
Hope for, everything. Everyone.

However, being sure of your hope is when your hope becomes powerful.
That's when it becomes faith.

Faith for my friend.
Faith for my mom's healing.
Faith for everything. Everyone.

Not faith in those things, but in the One who overcomes those things.

I love you all!
Happy Tuesday!

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1


1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow, I really needed to hear that Shelby. Great reminders! Thanks girl!