traffic and rain.
traffic, rain, a less-than-fabulous doctor report, a missing father, fatigue, a hurting friend, homework over-load, tears, lots of tears, low blood-sugar, frustration, confusion....i'll stop there.
my life isn't terrible; really and truly, it's not.
but there's only one thing that keeps it from becoming terrible.
one thing that keeps everything from falling apart.
one Truth that permeates every section of my life, my family, my heart, and keeps everything worth it.
it's the Truth of sweet Jesus that declares "nothing can separate me from the love of Christ."
no matter what happens, my life is hid with Christ on high, he keeps me safe beneath his wings, and my home is being prepared somewhere in that glorious place where my Jesus now dwells.
monday was gray, and depending on who you're voting for in the presidential election, it could still be gray today.
however, for me, today has been a yellow tuesday. the sun's been shining, the air's been crisp, the coffee was good, my headache only lasted for an hour-or-so, and my Lord still reigns.
happy tuesday, friends!
keep the faith and walk in grace!
"Then they believed his promises and sang his praise."
Psalm 106:12
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