Saturday, January 1, 2011

the best of 2010:

maybe just a reminder of what went on throughout last year. here we go!

    Jan-- we started off as Curly Days with Shelby. And i discovered the new food pyramid

    Feb-- i got my wisdom teeth out in February.

    March-- built a bird house, that never attracted any birds.

    April-- I got Dotty!( and 8 days later, dotty died.)

    May-- we discovered lye-free soap

    June-- i made homemade exfoliate

    July-- my birthday!

    Aug-- i discovered my love for hymns.

    Sep-- my 200th post + God spoke to me!

    Oct--  camping trip!

    Nov-- my story got published!!

    Dec-- we end the year with a breath of fresh air, and start a new one with a new hope and excitement!

    I hope your New Year's Eve was super fun and that your new year is full of adventure!
    I'll be praying for you, that this would be the year you feel God actively working in you life and you learn to do his will above anyone else's.

    Happy New Year yall!!
    p.s.-- who's watchin the BAMA game?!?! ;)

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